
European robin (Erithacus rubecula) with watercolor
European robin (Erithacus rubecula) with watercolor
Diversity, with watercolour pencils and irisident acrylics (cannot be seen in a scan)
Diversity, with watercolour pencils and irisident acrylics (cannot be seen in a scan)
Young long eared owls, watercolor pencils on paper. (Original framed)
Young long eared owls, watercolor pencils on paper. (Original framed)
Eurasian hobby hunting barn swallows, acrylics on long-legged buzzard tail feathers (with CITES, naturally molted) and pheasant feathers (sold). This painting received the audience award 2021 in the context of an exhibition called "Moderne Vogelbilder"
Eurasian hobby hunting barn swallows, acrylics on long-legged buzzard tail feathers (with CITES, naturally molted) and pheasant feathers (sold). This painting received the audience award 2021 in the context of an exhibition called "Moderne Vogelbilder"
White necked jacobin on Violet Turaco and pheasant feathers. With Turkey feathers. Feathers are naturally molted from animals bred in captivity
White necked jacobin on Violet Turaco and pheasant feathers. With Turkey feathers. Feathers are naturally molted from animals bred in captivity

Hummingbirds of Manizales, Colombia

The hummingbird-guide for Manizales is now finished. It is for the stations where we took our data for a Bachelor thesis. This includes ca. 40 species. I drew them with colored pencils (Farber Castell) on A5 paper. One hummingbird took me at least 2 hours and I was working on this since November 2016. No originals are available.

Here you can see some of my recent work. I also sell my paintings or make commissional work, and if you are interested please contact me. If the original is sold or not available, please contact me for print options. The pictures on top are all from 2016 to 2021. Some of them can be seen in an exhibition called "Moderne Vogelbilder" in Halberstadt, Germany.

Siberian Eagle Owl painted with acrylics on it`s own feathers (moulted feathers, CITES) (sold). This painting received the audience award (Publikumspreis) in the context of an exhibition (MoVo-Moderne Vogelbilder) in the Museum Heineanum
Siberian Eagle Owl painted with acrylics on it`s own feathers (moulted feathers, CITES) (sold). This painting received the audience award (Publikumspreis) in the context of an exhibition (MoVo-Moderne Vogelbilder) in the Museum Heineanum

Here is some older work from me. It is always interesting to see how you develop you skills. Please do not order any prints or originals from this section!